
Allinson_100Elizabeth Allinson
Interests: place attachment, environmental psychology, cultural ecosystems services.
CP Doncaster_100C. Patrick Doncaster
Interests: Population ecology, experimental design and statistical power, competition.
Eigenbrod_100Felix Eigenbrod
Interests: Ecosystem services, land use change, spatial ecology, GIS.
holland_100Robert Holland
Interests: ecosystem services, freshwater biodiversity.
lock_100Judith Lock
Interests: Wildlife conservation, science education, behavioural ecology.
peh_100Kelvin Peh
Interests: forest ecology, ecosystem services, diversity and distribution, urban wildlife, wildlife-human conflicts.
marije_schaafsmaMarije Schaafsma
Interests: environmental economics, ecosystem management, decision making and trade-offs.
Snaddon_100Jake L. Snaddon
Interests: biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, entomology, tropical forest ecology, conservation. m
Spake_100Rebecca Spake
Interests: biodiversity, forest ecology and conservation.
SWillcockSimon Willcock
Interests: ecosystem services, forest conservation and climate change.